Entries by admin

SiChem sponsors the EMBL Chemical biology 2024 in Heidelberg

From September 9-12, the Chemical biology 2024 Conference will take place at EMBL, Heidelberg The conference provides a platform for the exchange of the latest developments in the field of chemical biology. As the largest and longest-standing conference in this field, it promotes inspiration, collaboration, and networking between researchers from academia and industry. The aim […]

SiChem sponsors the GCE-Conference 2024 in Corvallis, USA

From August 8-10, the 3rd GCE Conference will take place at Oregon State University (OSU) in Corvallis. Over the past five years, GCE technology has developed rapidly, increasing interest in both academic and industrial fields. SiChem is sponsoring the conference and the preceding workshop. With SiChem’s ncAAs, participants will learn more about encoding, selecting, and […]

SiChem sponsors the “Translational Bioimaging Symposium 2024” in Würzburg

From June 16th to 19th, 2024, the  “Translational Bioimaging” symposium will take place in Würzburg at the Rudolf Virchow Center (RVZ). This symposium will bring together established scientists, young researchers, and postdocs from around the world to discuss the latest developments and applications of genetic modifications (e.g., genetic code expansion), novel chemical reactions (e.g., bioorthogonal […]

SiChem sponsors the “Chemical Biology and Physiology Conference 2023” in Portland

From 14-17 December, the “Chemical Biology and Physiology Conference 2023” will take place at Oregeon Health and Science University (OHSU) in Portland, USA. This international conference will focus on the ever-growing intersection of chemical biology and physiology. This exciting field offers innovative opportunities for the development of drug targets and therapeutic concepts. Leading scientists from […]

TCO* for labelling neuronal compartments

Ivana Nikić-Spiegel et al. use Trans-Cyclooct-2-en-L-Lysine (TCO*; SC-8008) to label certain parts of neuronal compartments (axon initial segment (AIS)). Together with a clickable dye, these become visible under the microscope. The developed method is particularly suitable for labelling complex and spatially limited proteins. Journal of Cell Science (2023) 136: Direct fluorescent labeling of NF186 and […]

Vaccumstable MALDI-Matrices

Together with our cooperation partners from Mannheim University of Applied Sciences (HSM), we developed a completely new concept for vacuum-stable MALDI matrices. Now it’s published in “Angewandte Chemie” The trick is: we combined standard MALDI matrices with a caging group – this increases the vacuum stability. The caged group is then cleaved by the MALDI […]

SiChem congratulates this year’s Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry

Carolyn Bertozzi (Stanford University) Morten Meldal (University of Copenhagen) Barry Sharpless (Scripps Research Institute) This year, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Carolyn Bertozzi of the University of Stanford, Morten Meldal of the University of Copenhagen, and Barry Sharpless of the Scripps Research Institute for their work on click chemistry and bioorthogonal reactions. […]