• Glassware SiChem lab


TCO* for single-molecule super-resolution imaging

Gerti Beliu et al. from the University of Würzburg use SiChem's unnatural amino acid Trans-Cyclooct-2-en-L-Lysine (TCO*A; SC-8008 labelled with tetrazine dyes) for dSTORM experiments. A complete labelling and imaging pipeline has been developed…

NEmo explains unexplained phenomenon

Neutrophils are often made responsible for killing bacteria in chronic diseases such as cystic fibrosis (CF). Here, however, there is an unexplained phenomenon: although neutrophils are massively present, long-lasting bacterial infections occur…

BCN-PEG-NHS / TCO-PEG-NHS for bioimaging

Fluorescent probes that react with complementary bioorthogonal reagents and subsequently light up are excellent tools for bioimaging applications. Vrabel et al. have synthesized a series of diverse coumarin-tetrazine probes that can react…

SiChem is one of the TOP10 biotech companies in Bremen

Bremen is rather known as a trading city - less as a high-tech location for internationally operating biotech companies. But there are quite a few innovative, research-based companies that offer their products and services worldwide. Some of…

Click-Photocrosslinking Compounds

Alkyl diazirines are photo-reactive functional groups frequently used in photo-affinity labeling (PAL). They are compact in size, being nearly isosteric to a methyl group, and they are activated at a wavelength of light (~355 nm) that is not…